The Supercar Club

The Supercar Club

Join us for 2024


Founded in 2012 and with over 1,300 supercar owning members, the Drivers Union is the largest and most exclusive multi-marque supercar club in the UK. Membership is open to owners of Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, Pagani and selected models from other supercar marques. We organise coffee mornings and group drive outs, supercar lunches, dealer visits, discounts on services and much more.


Supercar Meets & Events

Access to our local supercar meets and exclusive supercar events in the UK


Discounts & Offers

Discounts and offers on vehicle servicing and products from partners & sponsors


Exclusive membership pack

Best in class membership pack with membership cards, lanyards and more


Local area WhatsApp groups

Over 40 club WhatsApp groups for our local area and special interest groups


Dual Membership

Membership covers both you and your partner or family member at no extra cost


Travel Concierge

Let our Travel Concierge plan your special holiday or road trip


Donec maximus fringilla posuere. Ut rhoncus efficitur dolor, quis pulvinar ante tempus sit amet. Integer vestibulum fringilla nulla at lobortis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent semper mauris magna, sed laoreet nulla finibus et. Duis rhoncus magna ac massa auctor, a accumsan felis aliquam. Quisque imperdiet iaculis nibh, eu efficitur neque rhoncus venenatis.


Cras sit amet libero dui. Nullam a felis nec nisi faucibus accumsan. Pellentesque in sem vulputate, ullamcorper mi id, molestie quam. Vestibulum non dui at leo congue vehicula. Sed vestibulum eros sed luctus vulputate. Phasellus augue leo, maximus id magna eget, gravida ultricies purus. Etiam sit amet accumsan urna. Proin faucibus purus at lorem faucibus, a laoreet tortor sagittis.

The most important club rule

Donec condimentum magna urna, sed ultricies ipsum tincidunt eu. Nunc tempor semper molestie. Etiam augue purus, aliquam nec ligula id, venenatis ornare augue. Aliquam vulputate condimentum nisi, vitae dapibus enim tempus in. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed placerat dui tempus ullamcorper condimentum. Ut aliquam semper mi egestas iaculis.



Syeed Ali


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent maximus scelerisque neque sed cursus. Nulla imperdiet elementum ultricies. Etiam ut risus diam. Phasellus aliquam ex at blandit tincidunt. Pellentesque laoreet eget justo eu dictum. Nam pharetra vitae velit sed ornare. Nulla tristique risus mauris, sed vestibulum ligula molestie non. Suspendisse porttitor nisl non condimentum tempus. Proin sed imperdiet ex, ac fermentum magna. In vel dignissim purus, vitae lacinia diam. Phasellus malesuada mollis molestie. Proin a viverra sapien. Sed blandit ultrices urna ut accumsan. Ut vel dolor odio. Integer ac dignissim ipsum. Curabitur ac lacinia lorem, tempus scelerisque magna.

Drives: Ferrari 360 Spider



Ed Eccles

General Manager

Ed loves anything with an engine or mechanical, and if you can explain in technical detail any part of anything with one he would listen for hours. While looking at boats, trains, planes, power stations, quantum computers, 3D printers, and watches does keep him busy it's a love of supercars that is at the heart of it all. Especially if that car has doors that go up and not out.

Ed started driving with superbikes, then moved to cars that he lowered and took to car shows. Then onto faster stuff and most recently supercars. He currently owns a red McLaren 12c and absolutely loves it.

With a supercar to his portfolio he joined the DU and immediately started helping out. Recruiting more members and planning as many events as he could, the largest event on the calendar (the Chip run) started with 8 cars and a sunny weekend.

Ed writes articles for the magazine, organises many of the events, runs the social media channels and provides both strategy and business support to Sy to ensure the club grows and continues to be as great as it can be.



apple icon 180x180 box1 Apollo partner

 5 Azuri partner6 Brands hatch partnerConcours of elegance4 London Concours partner

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