This is the third time we have driven to Frinton-on-Sea to go and get some chips from the lovely people at the Pier One chip shop and it won’t be the last. The special thing about the Frinton-on-Sea chip run comes from three parts, the covoy, the chips and the parking.
The convoy to the Chip Run starts in Buckinghamshire, and snakes its way through Hertfordshire and Essex picking up people at pre agreed locations. Normally we pick up just one of two people at each place for a total less than 20 for the arrival into Frinton-on-Sea. But this year we went BIG. We went so big, that we caused traffic jams at every pick up point, and even had to split up into two groups at one point.
How many cars cause a traffic jam? Well last year we had twenty and this year thirty signed up 4 weeks before the run, fifty 3 weeks in advance, at 2 weeks it was eighty, and on the day it was nearly one hundred supercar.
So with nearly ine hundred cars in a convoy it can get a little bit hectic., but it’s also the best way to travel. As far as you can see in either direction is just a line of supercars.
The chips are special at Pier One because they are bloody delicious. They are also important because they are given to you via your car window in a triple bag with little salt and viniger packets. This is done faster than any McDonalds and all pre arranged. The High Street fills with supercars and as we pass the resturant there is a table outside, packed with chips made moments earlier (we give them our live location to ensure perfect chips). We grab the chips and head off to park up around the corner.
This year we had over 200 portions of chips handed out and I have to take my hat off to them and the efficiency and speed with which they can make them.
The parking at Frinton-on-Sea is what made me choose the location for our first drive (without chips) well over a year ago. It’s free, with wide bays, each bay is at an angle, and there are lots of them. It’s perfect for supercars. The section we like to park at is normally empty and fitting 30 cars together is an easy feat. However, as you may have just read it wasn’t 30 cars this year is was three times that many. So we parked mostly together and some on pavments.
The locals in the area are always very welcoming and come and say hello. One said that this year, seeing us means it’s the start of summer again after what was a particular grey winter thanks to COVID19.
The members donated towards the clubs selected charity, Haven house Children’s Hospice and as I write this we have raised
well over £1,000. Frinton will now be an annual stop on the DU map for years to come.
A total of 200 portions of chips were handed out, but Pier One only charged for 150 portions. The payment for the chips was from club funds.
Ed Eccles
DU Essex Area Organiser