Icons: The Lamborghini Countach!
It’s the early 80’s and I’m standing in the local High Street staring at the first supercar I ever saw in the metal pulls to a stop in front of me. A red Lamborghini Countach 500S. The passenger door opens and the occupant slides out and walks across the road to the Newsagents whilst I remain motionless, wide eyed.
The future for the petrolhead
Many of you will have read with some sense of disbelief the recent announcement from the Government regarding the accelerated commitment of plans to ban carbon-emitting vehicles in the UK from 2030, meaning that we have less than a decade to enjoy new petrol-powered supercars.
What makes a supercar
Legend has it the term ‘supercar’ was coined by the late great doyen of motoring journalism; dresser of dapper attire; smoker of Sobranie Black Russian cigarettes (ciggys as slim as himself); keeper of magnificent old-testament beard; holder of fiercely insightful intellect and purveyorof masterful word smithery, L. J. K. Setright.