Your personal data is valuable which is why we take the protection of your data so seriously. We never give out your data and contact details to anyone without your permission and your address is not held on any online platform.

We are registered with the ICO under the Data Protection Act and our registration number is ZB003074.

Please ensure your  vehicle is on our qualifying car list before completing this application otherwise your application will be declined and you may not receive a rejection email.

Click here to view list

When signing up to events, your username, vehicle and membership level will be visible to all members.

If you are an existing Drivers Union member (Associate/Standard/VIP), you are automatically a part of the GT & Sportscar Union and so do not need to complete this form.

Your vehicle details

Please ensure your  vehicle is on our qualifying car list before completing this application otherwise your application will be declined

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apple icon 180x180 box1 Apollo partner

 5 Azuri partner6 Brands hatch partnerConcours of elegance4 London Concours partner

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